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Millennials & Gen Z are Changing Their Approach to Traditional Premarital Counseling


Millennials and the upcoming Gen Z are strategic when it comes to love and marriage. So much so, their strategies have changed the scope of how to anticipate marriage. The days of waiting in a sitting room for your date, being scrutinized by a rough looking family member, and proving righteous intentions, although worthy of consideration, are pretty much only talk from past generations. Millennials and Gen Z may get a bad rap sometimes for being open-minded, but this ability to see the world from a different angle has changed the inward & outward aspects of marriage for the better.

They have an open-minded approach to marriage and relationships after witnessing first-hand examples of ‘what not to do”. These two generations are waiting to wed and see marriage as an option, not a necessity. They think lifelong cohabitation may be a more convenient and realistic option than the binding legal and economic ties of marriage. Finding personal success in their careers, Millennials and Gen Z want to know their partners, secure financial stability, and focus on philanthropic endeavors. The intention to find the right person to share life with goes beyond what a partner looks like on paper. The ‘perfect partner’ definition hasn’t changed, but taking more time to find the right partner to avoid an unstable marriage has significantly changed.

In recent generations, the availability of the internet, transportation, and the ease to communicate and understand the bigger picture, has brought our beautiful world together. More couples come together from different cultural or religious backgrounds. Pursuing their values like politics, education, and religion is highly considered.

Millennials and Gen Z see a greater need to be aware of what one values in marriage. Knowing who you are, what you want, and how to achieve it is a solid foundation upon which to build a lifelong relationship or to raise kids. For them, it seems to make more sense to figure out those important life values and goals before jumping into marriage and/or creating a family.

The new outlook on marriage requires a new approach to prepare you for your marital journey. An engagement coach will help you reach outcomes, goals, and desired results. These actions are based on the redefined views and foundations of marriage through the needs of the evolving modern times. Experience this interactive and informative new process compared to traditional premarital counseling.

Does this resonate with you? We welcome you to join our growing community of engaged couples seeking understanding and help. Do not navigate through the unconventional living and unorthodox views on marriage alone. Our online community goes beyond the standard questionnaire, placing you in generalities, traditions, and historically based gender roles. We are committed to building strong relationships through practical tools, relevant resources, podcasts, concise videos, coaching, and support for you and your partner.

Walk confidently and with intention during your engagement journey.

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